College Building North, Center for Ideas & Society

UCR’s Center for Ideas and Society (CIS) is partnering with the Graduate Writing Center (GWC) to co-host a CHASS Graduate Writing Retreat. This retreat will provide an intensive, full-day writing opportunity for CHASS graduate students seeking a structured, quiet writing space. 


This is a FREE event and open to graduate students, at any stage of their program, from any CHASS department. The Writing Retreat is ideal for students working on writing that requires sustained focus: e.g., completing a thesis, seminar paper, dissertation, qualifying exam, independent study, class project, etc. Registration for the retreat is required. Space is limited and registration is on a first-come-first-served basis, so make sure to sign-up as soon as possible to secure your spot!


RSVP by Feb 16, 2024



About the retreat

The Writing Retreat is a full-day event, 9-4 p.m., on Friday, March 1, 2024. It will take place in the CIS building and will be closed to non-attendees in order to provide students with a quiet, distraction-free setting. Furthermore, CIS staff will be serving refreshments, including snacks, coffee/tea, and lunch.


This retreat will briefly explore writing-related topics, including strategies for overcoming writer's block, building sustainable writing habits, and experimenting with new writing techniques. The goal is to help orient participants to positive writing practices and create a supportive community of graduate student writers. 


The majority of the session will be devoted to focused, independent writing time where participants can work on their own writing projects. During this time, participants will have a dedicated space to make progress on a writing project, while in the company and solidarity of other graduate writers. Participants will also have access to support from GWC staff, including the Graduate Writing Center Specialist, to answer questions or help you overcome any challenges one may be facing in their writing. 


View Retreat Schedule


Host: Lauren Hammond, PhD, Graduate Writing Center Specialist

Dr. Lauren Hammond is the Graduate Writing Center Specialist. Lauren recently earned her PhD in English at UC Riverside in Summer 2023, with a specialization in digital media. She is also currently serving as the Fulbright Program Advisor for graduate students at UCR. 

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  • Isoke

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