Voting period: April 25 - May 8, 2022.

Current UCR Business graduate, undergraduate, and pre-business students are eligible to vote.

Golden Apple Awards for Teaching Excellence
The Golden Apple Awards are student-voted awards for the professors in whose classes they had the best overall experience in terms of learning, engagement, teaching style, and innovative teaching methods.

The James Merino Innovation Award
The Merino Innovation Award is a student-voted innovative teaching award recognizing faculty for bringing innovative ways of teaching, or utilizing innovative tools and technologies in the classroom.

The Shulman Endowed Excellence in Teaching Award
The Shulman Teaching Award is an annual student-voted teaching award recognizing outstanding faculty who embody the fulfillment of learning through their excellence in teaching.

For more information about the awards and to vote, please visit:

--> Submit your vote and get entered to win one of ten $25.00 gift cards!

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