Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) operates two treatment plants and fifteen pump stations providing services to 2.6 million people in Orange County. OCSD’s mission is bound to get more challenging as climate change threatens to increase the risk posed by natural hazards to our regional infrastructure. OCSD conducted a Climate Resiliency Study that involved assessing the risks posed by climate change and developing adaptations to mitigate those risks.

Flooding, sea level rise, wildfire and extreme heat risks were evaluated using data from California’s 4th Climate Change Assessment. The analyses indicated that OCSD facilities could be at risk of flooding and sea level rise due to climate change, with low impact due to wildfire and extreme heat. Through a multi-criteria analysis, the adaptations that protect the highest value of assets while providing a high level of reliability, with minimal impacts on operations were selected for at-risk facilities.

OCSD’s Climate Resiliency Plan provides others in the water and wastewater industry an example of how to adapt existing facilities to a changing climate and how to prioritize adaptation strategies. The Plan also helps inform designers of new facilities about what should be considered for building a new facility that is resilient to climate change.


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