Tuesday, April 5, 2022 5pm to 6pm
About this Event
Register to virtually attend the Tuesday, April 5 Science Lecture Series on Big Data with Dr. Stephen Kane https://sciencelectureseries.ucr.edu/
The College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences at the University of California, Riverside is proud to present the 2022 Science Lecture Series entitled Big Data Science.
This four-part series will focus on the technologies that allow us to collect and analyze data in ways we never imagined. The big data that those technologies generate have transformed not only how scientists do their research, but also how we view our world. This series will explore the progression of new technologies in areas such as statistics, climate, environment, agriculture, biology, medicine, mathematics, and astronomy — and how it is changing our world.
This will be the fourteenth year of this popular science lecture series, which is free and open to the public. Over the years, the Science Lecture Series has covered important and timely topics such as food security, sustainability, climate change, the search for life beyond earth, gene editing, and of course, COVID-19 and it’s impact on our community.
All lectures are virtual, free, and open to the public.
Register for each lecture on Big Data Science: Tuesday evenings in April 2022:
Each lecture will be held virtually via Zoom. Register for each presentation to receive the Zoom link.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022 | 5 p.m.
The Plurality of Worlds: Searching for Life in a Universe of Data
Stephen Kane
Professor of Planetary Astrophysics
In the space of only a few decades, the number of known planets orbiting other stars has risen from zero to over 5000. These discoveries have dramatically changed our understanding of planetary systems and further motivated the search for life in the universe. In this talk. Dr. Kane will describe the techniques that have allowed us to bring about this revolution in planetary science, the challenges in analyzing the massive amounts of data, and the future prospects in detecting life on another world.
About Stephen Kane
Stephen Kane is a Professor of Planetary Astrophysics at the University of California, Riverside who specializes in exoplanetary science. He grew up in outback Australia where his view of the night sky and fascination with solar system exploration motivated his eventual career path. He received his BS from Macquarie University in Sydney and his PhD from the University of Tasmania. His work covers a broad range of topics related to planetary astrophysics and he has discovered several hundred planets orbiting other stars. He is a leading expert on the topic of planetary habitability, the habitable zone of planetary systems, and the study of why Venus and Earth evolved so differently. He is a prominent scientific leader for several NASA missions designed to search for life in the universe. He has published hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific papers as well as several books on the topic of exoplanets and habitability. He is also a prolific advocate of interdisciplinarity science through the combination of biology, climate science, geophysics, planetary science, and stellar astrophysics.
UCR Faculty Page
Earth and Planetary Sciences Faculty Page
Register to receive the Zoom link: https://ucr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpdu6hqD8vEtwSHIuBsa-IF9ianzNnBz7z
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