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Join us and a guest speaker Asao Inoue, professor of Rhetoric and Composition in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts at Arizona State University, for the last session in the "Alternative & Equitable Grading" series about “Contract Grading and Ungrading” to explore alternative grading strategies and equitable approaches to grading. Please register to attend either in-person or online. Lunch will be provided for all in-person attendees.

This series is brought to you by XCITE through "The Art & Science of Healthy Pedagogy."



Dates/Times: Wednesdays on the following dates from 11:30 am-1pm, with the possibility of informal discussion and Q&A.

  • Jan. 24th: "Overview of Alternative and Equitable Grading Strategies" with Fabiola Torres, Ethnic Studies, Glendale Community College
  • Feb. 7th: "Specifications and Mastery Grading" with UCR instructors Annie S. Ditta (PSYC), Goldberry Long (CRWT), and Mike G. Anderson (PHYS)
  • Feb. 21st: "Alternative or Authentic Assessments" with UCR instructors Covadonga Lamar-Prieto (SPN), Worku Nida (ANTH), and Patricia Cardoso (TFDP)
  • March 6th: "Contract Grading and Ungrading" with Asao Inoue, professor of Rhetoric and Composition in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts at Arizona State University

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