The College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences is launching CUSP: Career Mentoring of Underrepresented STEM Students for the Professoriate, a pilot project funded by the UC-HSI Doctoral Diversity Initiative (UC-HSI DDI).   

We are currently recruiting STEM faculty (CNAS, BCOE, SOM, CHASS) to provide career mentoring to underrepresented students who are seeking careers as professors. Faculty mentor responsibilities include: committing to a year-long program of one-on-one career mentoring, helping a student develop an Individual Development Plan (IDP), and attending/presenting in a professional development seminar series in Spring 2021. 

Ideal faculty mentors are those who have a passion for one-on-one mentoring. Experience mentoring underrepresented students is beneficial, but not required. Faculty mentors will receive a research stipend of $1250 for participating in the program. CUSP Mentor applications are open from November 1st to December 1st, 2020.   

Please visit the CUSP website or contact for more information about the program. We hope you will consider participating to help a student achieve their career goals.  

Mentor application:  

CUSP website:  

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