The UC Riverside Center for Ideas and Society invites participation in a virtual conference that explores the theme of entanglement. Sixteen UC graduate students representing six UC campuses will present humanities -related research that reflect creative, critical engagement with the concept of entanglement as a unifying idea, method, or theoretical approach.




9:30 - 10:30AM - Entanglements with Humans and Other Animals


 Moderator - Courtney R. Baker (Associate Professor, English, UCR)

• After Bare Life: Theorizing the Dynamics of Somatic Symbolism - Jovana Isevski (UC Riverside, English) Abstract

• Co-Existence, Co-Dependence, & Conflict: Multispecies Entanglement in Practice - Courtney Lamb (UC Riverside, History) Abstract

• Limb/Wing - Fiona Martinez (UC San Diego, Literature MFA) Abstract


11:00AM - 12:00PM - Entanglements in Race, History, and Identity


• Moderator - Dana Simmons (Associate Professor, Society, Environment, and Health Equity, UC Riverside)

• The Warrior Songstress: Transcendent Listening Aesthetics, Memory, and Music Making for Black Women in the Central Valley of California - Chiquitha Aminsalehi (UC Merced, Interdisciplinary Humanities Graduate Group) Abstract

• Racial Entanglements: Journals of the Chinese Labour Corps in First World War - Tianyun Hua (UC Davis, Comparative Literature) Abstract

Policing an Image: Los Angeles and the 1984 Olympics - Muhammad Rafi (UC Irvine, History) Abstract


11:00AM - 12:00PM - Entanglements with Big Issues


Moderator - Dylan Rodriguez (Professor, Media & Cultural Studies, Black Study, UC Riverside)

journalism crisis, democracy, capitalism - Kelly Chen (UC San Diego, Communication) Abstract

Immigrant families and the Juvenile Justice system - Ana Ojeda (UC Riverside, Sociology) Abstract

Visualizing the Invisible: Nuclear Materialism and Thing-power in Zhao Liang’s I’m So Sorry (2021) - wenxin zhang (UC Irvine, Film and Media Studies) Abstract


1:00 - 2:30PM - PLENARY PANEL: Apocalyptic Entanglements: a Keynote Roundtable on the Temporality and Geography of Wildfire/Disaster


Panelists: J. Kameron Carter, Francesca M. Hopkins, Mark Minch-de Leon, and Brittani R. Orona

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3:00 - 4:30PM - Entanglements in Creative Spaces


• Moderator - Yong Cho (Assistant Professor, History of Art, UC Riverside)

• Performance art as a space of entanglement of the roles of audience, artist, and performer: three cases. - Rodrigo Arenas (UC Riverside, Dance) Abstract

• ANYBODY CAN PRETEND: Lutz Bacher’s ”The Lee Harvey Oswald Interview” - Sarah Grace Faulk (UC Riverside, Art History) Abstract

• A genre entangled with Audio infrastructure: Making of ‘Assamese Modern song’ in Studios in Guwahati, Assam, India - Dishanka Gogoi (UC Merced, Interdisciplinary Humanities) Abstract

• Listening to the Distant Echo—Exploring Narratives of Africa in Chinese Podcasts - Mingyi Xiao (UC Santa Barbara, Comparative Literature) Abstract


3:00 - 4:00PM - Entanglements on the University Campus


• Moderator - Yolanda T. Moses (Professor, Anthropology, UC Riverside)

• An Anthropologist Walks Into A Natural History Museum: Reflections on Interdisciplinary Entanglement in Historically-Informed Ethnographic STS (Science and Technology Studies) Research - Gian Gregorio (UC San Diego, Anthropology (sociocultural) and Science Studies) Abstract

• ”It costs them so much to get here”: The Work of Friendship at the International Center - Teresa Naval (UC San Diego, Communication & Science Studies) Abstract

• Perspectives on Co-teaching - Shaina Wright (UC Riverside, School of Education) Abstract


Sponsored by the UCR Center for Ideas and Society, UC Humanities Research Institute, through a Multi-Campus Research Program grant from the UC Office of the President, Health Humanities and Disability Justice (HHDJ) Initiative, and the Decolonizing Humanism(?) Initiative. 



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  • Patrick Tugwell
  • Maya Bornstein
  • Nidia Bautista
  • Yolanda Moses

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