As you transition back to campus, you may have questions that you’d like to ask another peer who may understand your circumstances. To assist, our SDRC Peer Mentors, who are also DAPi Honor Society Board Members, will be available on

Friday, February 18th from 12:30 PM-1:30 PM; and 3:00 PM- 5:00 PM


to assist you with:

  • Understanding how to access R’Ability and scheduling exams
  • Learning about SDRC programming and upcoming events


To sign up for a specific time slot, please complete the following form:


You will receive an e-mail reminder of your scheduled time slot.  On that date and time you select, you’ll use the zoom link to attend the session.


This team is comprised of DAPi Board Member who are Certified Peer Educators and Peer Mentors for SDRC.   If there are any questions, please forward them to

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