About this Event
View mapIf you're a UCR faculty member interested in designing a faculty-led education abroad program (or "FLEAP"), please attend one or a few of our upcoming talks and social hours, such as "How to Market Faculty-Led Education Abroad Program (FLEAP) Programs." At these sessions, we'll tell you about how you can teach a class to UCR and other students in another country.
All sessions for faculty leaders will take place on the following dates:
Many of these hybrid events will also include a Zoom link (email Sonja Lind for more info on the link). Hot drinks will be provided for on-campus events.
Questions? Email Robert McKee, Assistant Professor of Teaching and the Campus Faculty Director of Education Abroad (rmckee@ucr.edu), or Sonja Lind, the Assistant Director of Education Abroad, at (sonjal@ucr.edu). You can also visit our faculty leader webpage at https://international.ucr.edu/abroad/fleap-become-faculty-member.
See this and other events at https://international.ucr.edu/abroad/fleap-become-faculty-member#upcoming-events
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