Arts Building, Riverside, CA 92507
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Department of Theatre, Film and Digital Production
Presents a staged reading performed at the upcoming Legacies of Commedia dell' Arte conference, organized by Prof. Erith Jaffe-Berg
La Mirtilla
Scenes from a play by Isabella Andreini (1588)

A production by L.A. Camerata, directed by Marylin Winkle
Seventeen years before the first performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream (1605), Isabella Andreini dedicated her pastoral drama, La Mirtilla (1588), to Lady Lavinia della Rovere. Yet, there is no evidence that this work has ever been performed! Andreini represents many shades of love in a comedic tapestry that stands out from other pastorals with its moments of gravity that resonate with today's #metoo movement. Our staged reading (in English, translated by Dr. Julie Campbell) with live music by women composers on period instruments.
Featuring: Matthew Hancock, Amy K. Harmon, Michaela Slezak, and Donnie Smith

November 21, 2019
Thursday, 8:00 pm
Studio Theatre, ARTS 113
Free and open to the public.
Though admission is free, a ticket is required. At 7:30 pm, one ticket per person will be distributed at the venue. Seating is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis.

L.A. Camerata strives to tell the stories of women and “others” silenced throughout history. Our performances highlight works by early-modern women from across the world. Inspired by the original renaissance camerati—philosophical societies that debated aesthetics in the arts and society—we seek to blur the boundaries between music and drama, resurrecting lost or underrepresented voices live on stage. Recent musical-theatrical productions include a world premiere staged-reading of Isabella Andreini’s La Mirtilla (1588) and a staged performance of Camilla de Rossi’s secular cantata Frà Dori, e Fileno with baroque gesture. In 2016, we performed a fully-staged production of the first woman-composed opera, Francesca Caccini's La liberazione di Ruggiero (1625). Our 2018-19 Inaugural Season also featured a program works by Latin American artists (including women), which was selected as a WINNING program by the 2019 Beverly Hills National Auditions committee.

This performance is part of the Legacies of Commedia dell' arte Conference: “Others” and the production of theatre from early-modern Italy through modern-day California
Organized by Prof. Erith Jaffe-Berg, Department of Theatre, Film and Digital Production
Learn more  

Parking: Complimentary permits available before 8:00 pm at the Information Kiosk Booth, located on West Campus Drive at University Avenue.
Information: (951) 827-3245 

Sponsored by grants from the UC Riverside Center for Ideas and Society, UCOP MRPI Funding through the UC Humanities Research Institute, the UCR Departments of Theatre, Film and Digital Production, History, Comparative Literature and Foreign Languages, Religious Studies - Maimonides Chair in Jewish Studies, UCR International Affairs, and UCR Research and Economic Development.

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