The 2021 Art Documentary film series is presented by UCR Palm Desert Center and the City of Palm Desert Public Art Department. Admission is free, but registration is required.

The final film in the 2021 Art Documentary Film Series is Leonora Carrington, The Lost Surrealist, which can be screened at your convenience prior to the virtual discussion at 6 p.m. Mar. 11.

A link to the Vimeo screening and password will be sent to you after registration. *Please watch for this email!*

About Leonora Carrington, The Lost Surrealist: A thoughtful portrait of artist Leonora Carrington who worked alongside Max Ernst, Andre Breton and Pablo Picasso in Paris at the height of surrealism, yet lived out her days in Mexico City. Carrington was a key member of the surrealist movement during its heyday but, until recently, remained a virtual unknown in the country of her birth.

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