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Join our Tai Chi workshops to explore the ancient art of Tai Chi, a practice renowned for its holistic health benefits. Discover mindfulness in motion as you learn the graceful, flowing movements that enhance balance, reduce stress, and promote well-being. These workshops are suitable for all levels and provide a serene space for self-discovery and inner harmony. Sign up Online or at the SRC front counter.
T'ai chi Tao - Taii Dao Broadsword Form, Sword Dance, Part 4 1/26/2025
T'ai Chi Broadsword is one of the major weapons practice in the art of t'ai chi ch'uan. A single edged sword. The form taught is the Yang-Tchoung style broadsword. Review and continuation. The techniques and form will be taught by Harvey Kurland who will explore the applications of the forms. Bring a practice sword or stick, no real swords are allowed on campus. Article for more information: http://dotaichi.com/Articles/TaiChiChien-Tao.html
Kuang P'ing-Guang Ping Yang Style form Review 2/9/2025
Kuang P'ing Yang style is traced back to Yang Pan hou (Yang Ban-hou) who is the son of the founder of Yang style. He was a trainer for the Emperor's guards. This is a very unique form that bridges the Chen styles and Yang styles of t'ai chi ch'uan. The style named after the hometown of the Yang family. Grandmaster Kuo Lien Ying brought this style to America. Harvey Kurland was a direct student of Kuo and will teach this workshop. The form and applications of the form will be explored as well as ways of making the movements knee friendly. Article about this style: http://www.dotaichi.com/Articles/InMatteroftastethereisnodispute.htm
T'ai Chi Tao - Taiji Dao Broadsword Form Review 3/2/2025
T'ai chi Broadsword is one of the major weapons practice in the art of t'ai chi ch'uan. A single edged sword. The form taught is the Yang Tchoung style broadsword. Review and continuation. The techniques and form will be taught by Harvye Kurland who will explore the applications of the forms. Bring a practice sword or stick, no real swords are allowed on campus. Article for more information: http://dotaichi.com/Articles/TaiChiChien-Tao.html
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