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Increased recognition of the importance of tribal water rights, practices, and challenges is leading to greater collaboration with tribal representatives in state and regional water management dialogues and studies. Consultation practices have evolved in Arizona and the Colorado River Basin over the past decade. Initiatives discussed will include: basin-wide study of Colorado River water supply and demand; development of Arizona’s implementation plan for the Lower Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan; processes related to the development of successor regulations to the December 2007 “Colorado River Interim Guidelines for Lower Basin Shortages and the Coordinated Operations for Lake Powell and Lake Mead;” and efforts of the Water & Tribes Initiative|Colorado River Basin, especially Universal Access to Clean Water. On the engagement front, the presenter will draw upon personal experiences and lessons learned from delivering two conferences focusing on Indigenous water and serving on the Board of Directors of the Central Arizona Project.

Speaker's Bio

Sharon B. Megdal, Ph.D. is Director of The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC), a Cooperative Extension center and a research unit in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Other primary titles are Professor and Specialist in the Department of Environmental Science, C.W. & Modene Neely Endowed Professor, and Distinguished Outreach Professor. 

Sharon Megdal aims to bridge the academic, practitioner, and civil society communities through water policy and management research, education, and engagement programs. The geographic scope of Dr. Megdal’s work ranges from local to international. Applied research projects include analysis of water management, policy, and governance in water-scarce regions, groundwater recharge, and transboundary aquifer assessment. Key engagement initiatives are Indigenous Water Dialogues and Diversifying Voices in Water Resources. 

She holds a Ph.D. degree in Economics from Princeton University. Dr. Megdal’s full CV is at


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